
Chief Planning Office


Role & Functionality of Dept.:

The Chief Planning Officer in the District is involved in Collection, compilation and analysis of Statistics of various sectors as directed by the Govt., of India / State Govt. These statistics are use full for the Govt., in formulating schemes and plans for the welfare of the people. The functions performed by C.P.O’s Office are detailed below.


Organizational Structure from Dist. Officers to the Lowest Level:



Agriculture & Seasonal Conditions

I. Agriculture:

(i) Rainfall: All 64 Mandals  are having 64 Revenue Rainguage Stations one per each mandal. The Daily / Weekly / Monthly rainfall statistics are collecting from 64 Revenue Rainguage Stations in Rural and Urban Mandal Revenue Offices and transmitted to Govt., of A.P., and Meterological Centre, Hyderabad (for selected Centres) as per the Govt., instructions. From June, 2014 onwards integrated rainfall communicated to all Tahsildars in this District for official purpose. 130 A.W.S. Rainguage Stations are established. To know the integrated rainfall logon to

(ii) Season and Crop Condition Report: The weekly and monthly season and crop condition report along with rainfall, Crop wise areas sown are collecting every Week / Month and furnished to the State Govt.,

(iii) Agriculture Census:  The final area figures of different crops both irrigated and unirrigated for Kharif season / Rabi Season are collected from every Revenue Village and prepared Mandal Abstract, Divisional Abstract and District Abstract.The mandal wise consolidated District Abstract is submitted to the Govt., of Andhra Pradesh for both the seasons in every year.

(iv) PMFBY: “Village made as Insurance Unit” scheme under Pradhan Mantri Fasal Beema Yojana (PMFBY) is implementing from Kharif 2016 in East Godavari District for the predominant Crop of Paddy.

  1. In Village Insurance Scheme, village as a Unite., a Insurance Unit is formed with minimum 100 Hects of predominant Cropped area is required.
  2. If the area of the selected crop in a village is less than 100 hect. Then, contiguous villages should be grouped in for formation of insurance unit.
  3. Crop Cutting Experiments to be conducted

Single Village as insurance unit……………… 4 Experiment

Villages as insurance unit………………………. 4 Experiments

More than 5 Villages / Mandal …………….  10 Experiments

Group of Mandals as ………………..….………  16 Experiments

The Govt. of India has launched Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) for implementation from Kharif 2016 season. The Govt. Of Andhra Pradesh has also decided to implement the scheme in all Districts in the State.


  1. PREVENTED SOWING (on notified area basis): In cases where majority of the insured farmers of a notified area, having intent to sow/plant and incurred expenditure for the purpose, are prevented from sowing/planting the insured crop due to adverse weather conditions, shall be eligible for indemnity claims upto a maximum of 25% of the sum-insured.
  2. Standing Crop ( Sowing to Harvesting): Comprehensive risk insurance is provided to cover yield losses due to non- preventable risk viz., Drought, Dry spells, Flood, Pests & Diseases, Landslides, Natural Fire and Lightening, Storm, Hailstorm, Cyclone, Typhoon, Tempest, Hurricane, Tornado etc.,
  3. POST-HARVEST LOSSES (individual farm basis): Coverage is available upto a maximum period of 14 days from harvesting for those crops which are kept in “cut & spread” condition to dry in the field after harvesting, against specific perils of cyclone / cyclonic rains, unseasonal rains throughout the country.

Implementing agencies in the State:

Agricultural Insurance Corporation

10 Selected private insurance companies

Crops notified under PMFBY during Rabi 2016-17 in the District:

1.Rice (Village Insurance Unit)   2.Maize   3.Jowar (UI)   4.Red chilly   5.Blackgram    6. Greengram

One of the important parameters of Agricultural Statistics is production, it required area and yield. Yield is more sensitive than other variables.

Productivity needs to be handled sensitively weighed to the nearest decagram and results should be recorded in Form-II.

(v) Crop Estimation Surveys: To arrive the data on production of different crops, the crop cutting experiments are conducted for important food and non food crops and the yields per acre are arrived basing on the field experiment reports.  The yields so arrived are useful in determining the Mandal average yield of crops which are insured.  The Crop insurance payments will be made basing on the yield data finalized by Directorate of Economics and Statistics.  These crop cutting experiments are supervised at harvest stage by the staff of Chief Planning Officer, N.S.S.O., Agricultural  and General Insurance.

(vi) Fruits and Vegetables: The following crops are selected for conducting of crop cutting experiments under Fruits and Vegetables during the year 2016-17.

1.Cashew-nut  2. Mango  3. Banana  4. Coconut  5. Lemon  6. Brinjal  7. Bhendi  8.Batavia  9. Onion

(vii) Farm Harvest Prices: The actual rates that farmer gets at harvest stage for important crops are collected in peak market period to analyze the production value of each crop.

(viii) Timely Reporting of Agrl. Statistics: Out of the total Revenue Villages, 20% sample villages are selected and crop statistics are being collected through TRAS Cards (Card No. 1 to 4) for different crops every year.  1.0 and 1.1 Schedules are collected for sample check of area enumeration and page totaling of Adangals.  On the basis of  above data the Government will estimate area figures for each crop well in advance.

II. Prices:

Prices of Essential Commodities: The daily prices of  6 Essential commodities are collected every day in 7 Divisional Head Quarter Centres by concerned A.S.Os., and submitted to the Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Vijayawada through Online.

The Weekly Retail Prices of 21 Essential Commodities are collected every weekending on Friday from 7 Divisional Head Quarters by concerned Divisional Dy. Statistical Officers and submitted to the D.E.&S., Vijayawada through online.

The monthly Whole Sale Prices on 40 Agricultural Commodities from Divisional Deputy Statistical Officer, Rajahmundry and submitted to the Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Vijayawada.

Consumer Price Index (IW): The series of Consumer Prices old series in selected industrial centers i.e. Kakinada and Rajahmundry are collected weekly / monthly and reported directly to the Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Vijayawada. The series of CPI-IW selected on Rajamahendravaram and submit canvassing schedules and directly to D.E&S, Vijayawada every month.

Industrial Production: In this District there are 42 industries selected under I.I.P. and production particulars are collected every month and submitted to the Directorate for calculation of Industrial Growth rate of the State.

Daily Wages of Agricultural Labour & Non Agricultural Labour: Daily Wages of Agricultural Labour & Non Agricultural Labour have been collected from 5 Centres i.e. Yeditha, Katravulapalli, U. Kothapalli, Ambajipeta & Rampachodavaram and submitted to the Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Hyderabad.

III. Regional Accounts: The Receipts and Expenditure of local bodies, viz. Grama Panchayats, MPPs, ZP, Mpl. are collected and furnished to Directorate for each year to assess capital formation. Similarly Annual Accounts of G.Ps, MPPs, ZPs & Municipalities are being collected yearly and entered in online for GDP/MDP calculation.

IV. Preparation of Hand Book of Statistics: The Statistical information in all the major departments of the district along with achievements under different proformae is collected and published every year in the booklet form which is useful for researchers, planners, scholars and public.  Latest Hand Book of Statistics for the year 2016 is under preparation.

V. Socio Economic Survey: The 75th Round of Socio Economic Survey covers the subject Household Consumer Expenditure, Household Social Consumption Health and Education commenced from July 2017 and end in June 2018.

VI. Conducting of Census Survey:

i) Landholding Census: The Landholding Census is conducted in each village for every 5 years to assess the changes in holdings size, tenancy ownership, Irrigation, etc. The latest Survey was conducted with reference year 2015-16. The District Report submitted to DES, Vijayawada.

ii) Minor Irrigation Census: 5th Minor Irrigation Census conducted in the year 2013-14.

No. of Ground Water Schemes No. of Surface Water Schemes Total Irrigation Schemes
38885 2868 41753

Total Irrigation Schemes

iii) Economic Census: This Census is conducted once in 5 years for enumeration of enterprises with financial involvement to analyse the growth and to provide infrastructure facilities to the enterprises. Recently this survey was conducted in the District with reference year 2012. In this District there are 3,58,355 Rural Enterprises, 91,582 Urban Enterprises surveyed during 2012-13 in 6th Economic Census.

iv) Annual Survey of Industries (ASI): ASI survey was started in 2002-03 and conducted every year for selected industries to estimate the industrial production and value added for capital formation from industrial sector to the G.D.D.P. 188 samples were selected for ASI for 2015-16 in the District.


Item 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Gross District Domestic Product (GDDP -Rs. In Crores) 57209 65231 74448
Percapita Income (PCI (NDDP) – in Rupees) 92526 105000 118248


S.No Designation  Mobile No. Office Phone No. Fax No. Email Address
1 Joint Director & Chief Planning Officer 9849901478 2362746 (0884) 0884 2372746 cpoegkkd[at]gmail[dot]com
2 PIO & Statistical officer 9849901480 0884 -2362746 0884 2372746 cpoegkkd[at]gmail[dot]com
3 APIO & Dy.Statistical Officer 9640409498 0884 – 2362746 0884 2372746 cpoegkkd[at]gmail[dot]com


Details of State Head Office  :      

Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Gollapudi,
Cell: 9849908540
Office No: 08662410312
Email address:desgollapudi[at]gmail[dot]com